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  3. supplement products (herbal extracts)
  4. KE herbal extract
  5. KE Herbal extract 500 ml bottle

KE Herbal extract 500 ml bottle

Delivery time: 3 - 5 daysDelivery time: 3 - 5 days


  • 1 PET bottle of 500 ml
    Recommendation: 20 ml in 1 glass of water in the early morning before breakfast
    Best before date current batch: 01.2026

KE herbal extract is a 100% natural herbal ferment. Ingredients from various mountain herbs, sea salt, molasses and freshly spring water from the Alps complement each other in their subtle effect. Highly concentrated plant biology in
liquid and durable form, whereby a special manufacturing process ensures that the ingredients and active substances of the herbs used are largely
remain intact. Unlike other fermented herbal products, no foreign bacteria, fungi or yeasts are added during the production of KE herbal extract. Rather, the high population of microbiology in KE herbal extract is endogenous. This is made possible by controlled fermentation of the herbal extracts. It is therefore important to support our intestines in order to counteract lack of energy, lack of drive, tiredness or lack of concentration. KE tastes and smells natural, because it is produced without flavour enhancers, artificial flavours, colours, sterilisation, pasteurisation, etc.


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