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  3. FEEL GOOD Application Guide DE

FEEL GOOD Application Guide DE

Delivery time: 3 - 5 daysDelivery time: 3 - 5 days

MAGNETRESONANCE - Applications - Done right!

  • General part on magnetic fields, signals, wave forms, PEMF, effects, contraindications
    FEEL GOOD applications PRACTICE
    Applications in SPORT, in acupuncture ...

This small handbook is intended to help the doctor or alternative practitioner, the physiotherapist, the MT assistant and the medical technician, but also the ambitious home user, to get the best possible benefit from their applications of magnetic resonance therapy (MRT) and to achieve optimal success.

The book is intended as a quick reference work on magnetic resonance for practical use; it is important for us to mention again here that these are application recommendations for daily practice.

Prof. Dr. med. Johanna Hübscher

Please always observe the following principles if you are not a doctor or alternative practitioner:

Magnetic resonance application is an effective tool for preventive health care and supportive therapy; however, it does not replace diagnosis or treatment by a doctor in any case!

This book is not suitable for making diagnoses or suggesting therapies for diseases; always consult trained medical and healing professionals for this!

Never discontinue medication on your own authority and do not change the dose if it is not prescribed by a doctor or alternative practitioner.

Always check whether there are any contraindications!


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